Creative Thinking Book - Part 2
Chapter 4: The PCAN Model
It is not possible to teach people to think creatively, instead this book teaches creative ways to solve problems. The problems we are given in school are pre-defined where the boundaries are clear and precise. But in real life, the problems are complex. The scope of the problems can be unclear and imprecise.
The PCAN Model is a step-by-step approach in creative problem solving. It breaks problems down into bite sizes so that we can better understand and solve them.
A) Defining Your Problem
B) The PCAN Model
C) Stage 1: Explore Problem
D) Stage 2: Seek Underlying Causes
E) Stage 3: Generate Alternative Solutions
F) Stage 4: Net Analysis
• 2 Examples & 4 Quizzes
Chapter 5: The SCAMPER-Plus Technique
We are trained to think analytically and logically in school. Why don’t we harness this thinking to prompt us think creatively?
The SCAMPER Technique uses a “Checklist Approach”. As we go through the 7 components of SCAMPER, we will be prompted to think of many alternatives that we may not have thought of before.
You will also learn the SCAMPER-Plus Technique. It is a more powerful technique than SCAMPER.
Part 1: The SCAMPER Technique
A) The SCAMPER Technique
B) The 7 Components Of The SCAMPER Technique
Part 2: The SCAMPER-Plus Technique
A) The SCAMPER-Plus Technique
B) Trigger Questions For The 7 SCAMPER Components
C) Tackling A Real Life Problem
• 20 Examples & 3 Quizzes
The SCAMPER Technique comprises of 7 creativity prompters which help you generate ideas for new products and services.
The SCAMPER-Plus Technique is an enhancement of the SCAMPER Technique.
It has 3 steps.
Chapter 6: The Concept Possibilities Expansion Technique
The Concept Possibilities Expansion Technique enables you to ‘borrow’ time-tested concepts others have used successfully to stimulate you to think of creative possibilities.
A) What Is A Concept?
B) The Value Of A Concept
C) Concepts In Learning
D) Mind Mapping vs. Conceptualization
E) How To Develop Your Conceptualization Capability
F) Using A Concept To Think Of Possibilities
G) How To Extract Concepts From Complex Examples
H) Application Of The Concept Possibilities Expansion Technique In Creative Problem Solving
I) Tackling A Real Life Problem
• 8 Quizzes
Move to: Creative Thinking Book – Part 3